Sainsbury's knows that its greatest asset is its customer feedback. Their 60-strong insights team uses Wordnerds to squeeze that qual feedback for all it's worth.
When the stakes are as high as they are in housing, it was essential that every bit of Sovereign's huge volumes of feedback received was heard.
Struggling with the sheer volume of feedback and the challenge of manually categorising, Avanti used Wordnerds to the crux of what customers are thinking and feeling.
The Guinness Partnership uses Wordnerds to identify trends in tenant feedback, including predictively identifying properties with a heightened risk of damp and mould cases.
Passenger safety and satisfaction are TfW's watchwords, so finding new ways to keep their travellers safe in the midst of rapid change was essential.
Child Maintenance Services was undergoing an overhaul to improve access when a global pandemic threw a spanner in the works. See how Wordnerds turned this into a strength.