Playback: Being customer-centric — Inside the customer feedback framework 

Watch a recording of the first of our trilogy of webinars, taking you through the customer feedback framework.

You will learn:
  • Everything you need to make feedback data work for you. 
  • A simple framework for ensuring that the customer stays at the centre of all your activity. 
  • Diving deep into the first major challenge you’ll face in this process - extracting insight from your customer feedback.


Customer satisfaction in housing is stagnant or declining across the board. Even more frustrating: you have no way of knowing why this is or how to turn it around. You need a framework to work in - a data strategy that will allow you to understand drivers, prioritise issues, and impact your tenants’ lives. Not the easiest ask.

So here's one we prepared earlier. 

Wordnerds has been working with Housing Associations for several years now. We’ve seen amazing innovation, and some of the best data cultures in the country.

We’ve brought them all together (along with our unique approach to feedback analysis) into one simple, replicable framework.

In this webinar, we’ll give you everything you need to make it happen, focussing especially on the first piece of the puzzle - Insight.

Learn how to:

  • Find surprises in the data 
  • Categorise without endless manual tagging
  • Prioritise the insight that will improve customers’ lives. 

If this feels like a lot, don’t worry -  other HAs are doing it right now. If they can, why can’t you?




Access the webinar recording now: