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Free Resources for

Housing Providers

Free tools to overcome your biggest hurdles: understanding drivers of tenant satisfaction, creating a culture of learning
from complaints, and reporting to the wider business. No fluff, just our best resources, for free.

Build a TSM improvement roadmap

The TSMs are the new standard in housing. Housemark has been collecting data on tenant satisfaction for years, so we teamed up to take a look at how registered providers can use that data to make an impact on senior leadership. In this webinar:

  • Housemark's Head of Data and BI reveals pressing sector trends
  • The Nerds show how to raise tenant satisfaction using data
  • We share a framework for prioritising actions to maximise impact

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Prevent complaints escalations to the Ombudsman

Complaint volumes are rising, and by the Ombudsman's estimate, that trend won't stop any time soon. Nip escalations in the bud using an industry-leading HA's strategy. In this webinar:

  • The Guinness Partnership shares their predictive complaints model
  • We reveal our analysis of every maladministration finding this year, uncovering trends customer teams need to be on top of

Learn more

Ombudsman Maladministration Research

Maladministration volumes and fines are rising. What can be done to counter that trend?

We analysed every severe maladministration finding to work out what is driving these complaints. Grab our free report and understand where to allocate resources to keep your customers happy.

Download the report

Learn how to construct a best-in-class TSM Report

The Nerds were joined by Chris Haynes of The Guinness Partnership, who shared valuable insights into how they go about creating top-notch TSM reports.


Free Trial?

Curious to get hands on and see what you can find in your feedback data?

That’s our CEO Pete over there who can set you up with a free trial.

No salesy stuff until you know we’re the tool for you.