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HousingAcademy > Insight module > Finding Surprises


Insight Part 1: Finding Surprises

Well who would have thought it? Turns out once you have gathered your data, the first thing you need to do is look at the surprises. But it's ne of the hardest things to do in the feedback framework. In this unit: Why and how you find surprises in your customer feedback. 


Why look for surprises?

What do we mean when we say surprises? In this video, Wordnerds CEO Pete Daykin and CSO Steve Erdal talk through the different types of unknown unknowns, and why it’s important to go looking for them.

This clip comes from the Wordnerds webinar Being Customer Centric - Inside the Wordnerds Feedback Framework.


How do you find surprises?

It’s like a riddle - how can you go about finding something that you aren’t looking for? In this clip, Pete takes us through three potential options for finding new ideas in a large dataset, and the pros and cons of each approach. 

This clip comes from the Wordnerds webinar Being Customer Centric - Inside the Wordnerds Feedback Framework

Finding surprises in practice!

With the help of our synthetic housing dataset, Wordnerds CSO Steve Erdal looks at how you can use a mixture of cutting-edge AI and centuries-old linguistics to uncover the unknown unknowns in your data before you categorise it. 

This clip comes from the Wordnerds webinar Being Customer Centric - Inside the Wordnerds Feedback Framework