Recording: Making an impact — the feedback framework 

Wordnerds has been working with Housing Associations for several years now. We’ve seen amazing innovation, and some of the best data cultures in the country.

We’ve brought them all together (along with our unique approach to feedback analysis) into one simple, replicable framework.


In this webinar, we’ll give you everything you need to make it happen, focussing especially on the second (perhaps most crucial) section - Impact.

Learn how to:

  • Produce concise, effective reports for the big cheeses in your organisation
  • Resolve individual as well as structural issues
  • Measure the impact your actions have to finetune your strategy

If this feels like a lot, don’t worry -  other HAs are doing it right now. If they can, why can’t you?

Join us at 14:00 on the 14th of December by filling in the form opposite.


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